New! – Instant integration with

Get instant, detailed analytics on purchases for almost any analytics service, in a single click.

Allow non-technical members of your team to add and remove integrations without editing source code.

Segment for Shopify gives you access to 100’s of various backend services, regardless of whether there’s a Shopify app available for it.


Think of Segment as an adapter for 100’s of various analytics services.

Segment allows your non-technical team to add and remove integrations without touching the source code of your site.

Learn more or sign up at

How it works

Segment for Shopify modifies your store’s liquid templates to add event tracking for all steps of the purchase process.

We also run a webhook server to relay “Order Created” events on your store (which cannot be tracked via JavaScript), to ensure you have insight on purchase conversion.

Pricing – 7 days free

Get Segment’s page tracking, for free. Upgrade for purchase conversion events (e.g. viewed product, added to cart, etc.). See sidebar for details. Try it free for 7 days.

About Upsell

A small team of 2, we love providing fast, thorough support and hearing from our users. See our library of apps here.

Great support

If you have any questions, or just want to say hi, please reach out. We’d love to hear from you!

Not Affiliated with

This app is not officially supported by Development and support is provided by Upsell Apps, a 3rd-party developer.


All events include relevant attributes and identify the customer whenever possible.

  • Customer identification
  • Page tracking
  • Viewed product
  • Added product to cart
  • Viewed cart
  • Completed order
  • Searched products
  • Viewed blog – article
  • Viewed blog – front page
  • Viewed index
  • Viewed registration
  • Signed up
  • Viewed product category
  • Viewed 404 page

Supported Backends

Segment acts as an adapter for 100’s of backend services, including ad networks, analytics services, and advanced data stores.

  • Airtable (order status tracking)
  • Google Analytics
  • Mixpanel
  • Amplitude
  • Heap
  • Keen IO
  • KISSmetrics
  • Amazon S3
  • HubSpot
  • GoSquared
  • Woopra
  • Flurry
  • Clicky
  • Facebook App Events
  • … And many more