How to set up default global options for all products

Global options only work for Shopify Options

Setting up Default Options for Shopify Options

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  • Click on Settings in the app’s navigation
  • Select an option for Default Settings for Shopify Options
  • click Save (at the bottom of the page).

Global Colors & Global Auto Images

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On the Settings page you can also connect product options with Global Colors or Global Auto Images.

To do this go to the bottom of the Settings page and edit the settings for Global Auto Images, and Global Colors.

Just enter the names of the product options you want to be connected.  For example “color, size, materials, etc.” (case and space sensitive)

For colors, add the names for each (case and space sensitive) and edit the color.

Make sure the product option titles and color titles are spelled correctly and with the correct capitalization. This is the number 1 reason global options aren’t working.

Click Save in the bottom right.

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