How to create a size chart

Create Size Chart

To top

Open BF Size Chart & Size Guide and click the Add size chart button.

Next click the Edit button to edit the size chart you just added.


To top

This is what the title of the size chart is going to be that shows on the top of the size chart popup.

Description Top (optional)

To top

This is where you put the information about the size chart that will appear above the size chart. You can also use images and style the information.

Adding Images

To top

To add an image click on the    icon.

Change Image Width

To top
Double-click the image to change the width.

Uploaded images will automatically be resized to the correct dimensions of the size chart. Click here for information on how to upload higher resolution images. 

Size Chart

To top

For the size chart you can create a chart with as many columns and rows to fit your needs.

Description Bottom (optional)

To top

This is another area to add text or images.

Remember to click the  Save button, to make sure everything is saved.

Adding products, tags, and collections to a size chart

How to change the size chart location (app blocks)



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