Remove price add-on prices from the cart and product page

Remove price add-ons from the product page

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Below are some CSS snippets that you can put in your theme.

To add them, navigate to your Shopify admin page.

  • Click Online Store
  • Click the Actions dropdown
  • Choose Edit code. This will take you to a code editor.

We recommend copying the code snippet to your theme.liquid file right after the first <head>  tag at the top of the page.

The code below hides just the selected price add-on on the product page

.bcpo-addon {
display: none !important;

The code below hides the selected option title and the selected price add-on on the product page.

.bcpo-value {
display: none !important;

Remove the price add-on prices from the cart

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In the Templates/cart.liquid or Sections/cart-template.liquid template look for a line that looks like this:

{{ p.last }}

Replace it with this code below to hide the price add-ons from the cart page.

{% assign priceParts = p.last | split: "|" %}
{{ priceParts[0] }}

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