How to enable your themes ajax cart/ keep shopping popup

Since there are so many issues with Ajax Carts and our app, we have disabled these carts by default in our settings.
Ajax carts aren’t compatible with price add-ons, file uploads, and the grid product option. If you select “Theme default” please test to make sure everything is working correctly. 

To turn on the your themes default ajax cart you will need to select Theme Default* for the Add to cart action setting in our app.

  • Open Variant Option Product Options
  • Go to our Settings page
  • Go to Add to cart action
  • Select Theme default*

Double check that all the options are saving correctly. File uploads, price add-ons, and the grid product options aren’t compatible with AJAX carts and depending on the theme the virtual option data might be deleted also. 

Cart Page will redirect the customer to the cart after they add a product to the cart

Continue shopping pop-up will show a popup after the customer adds a product to the cart. We use your themes font and button styling so it will match your theme.



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