Abandoned Checkout

To get our app’s virtual options to show up correctly in the Abandoned Checkout email notification, you will need to add some code.

How to get to the Abandoned Checkout Notification

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Click here to go directly to your Abandoned Checkout Notification. You can also use the directions below if that doesn’t work

  • Go to your Shopify dashboard
  • Select Settings (bottom left)

  • Select Notifications

  • Select Customer Notifications

  • Click on Abandoned Checkouts. It will be in the middle of the page under Order exceptions

  • Click Edit Code (upper right)

How to edit the Abandoned Checkout Template

To top

In the Abandoned Checkout template search for the code below.

{% if line.quantity < line.quantity %}

This code should show on line 170 like in the screenshot below.

Place the following code right before the {% if line.quantity < line.quantity %} code

{% for p in item.properties %}
{% assign p_internal = p.first | slice: 0 %}
{% unless p.first contains "builder_id" or p.first contains "builder_info" or p.first contains "master_builder" or p_internal == "_" or p.last == "" or p.last == blank %}
<div class="bcpo-property table-shopping-cart-item-variant">{{ p.first }}:
{% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %}
{% assign file_type = p.last | split: '.' | last | downcase %}
{% assign file_types = 'jpg,jpeg,webp,gif,png,apng,avif,svg,bmp,ico,tiff' | split: ',' %}
{% if file_types contains file_type %}
<div class="bcpo-cart-file"><img src="{{ p.last }}" style="max-width: 50px; height: auto;"></div>
{% else %}
<span class="bcpo-cart-file">Uploaded file</span>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ p.last }}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}

The result will look like the screenshot below.

Click “Save” in the upper right.

You can revert back to the default notification by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking Revert to Default.

Email Notifications Overview

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