
Social media sites are the major drivers of most of the web’s traffic. Consequently, the ability to harness the power of social meta tags is a vital skill for today’s marketers. The tags can affect conversions and click-through rates hugely.

Adding Open Graph tags and Twitter Cards to your website won’t directly affect your on-page SEO, but it will influence the performance of your links on social media like Facebook and Twitter, so that means it’s worth looking into.

Adding all the right meta tags to your shop can be a time consuming and difficult task. Now you can easily add all the right tags to your shop just by installing this app.

How does it work

This app automatically adds all the right meta tags to your theme files, without any coding skills required. Editing your template files to add small code snippet and meta tags can be tricky and error-prone. That’s why using app’s like this one is much easier and more secure.

Supported Open Graph Tags and Twitter Cards

  • Product Title
  • Product Type
  • Product Description
  • Product Amount
  • Product Image
  • And much more…

About Kompile

At Kompile our developers are very passionate about the development of Shopify and eCommerce solutions for integration into the customer’s own inventory and ERP system. We are experienced in both Private and Public apps for the Shopify App Store, as well as advanced solutions developed with Liquid.